Open classes, will I do well or get fired?
Yesterday I had my first open class. What’s an open class? It’s when people from the…district (that’s what we call it at home) well the people from the education office, principal, vice principal,…
Alone with 31 students, what could go wrong or right?
Monday It was just me and 31 first graders. I know close to no Korean and their English is severely broken. Somehow it worked out wonderfully. Especially when I pulled out the stickers.…
Banker guy won’t let me see anyone else. Why?
Ok I had to get off work just to go to the bank. First, was dropped off at the wrong bank, thanks taxi driver! So I had to walk to the right one.…
Can there be magic apples?
Are they really magic apples? What apples? You’ll see it a bit later. Ok, so this week was a short one, yesterday and today. Everything has been well—nothing to really complain about. Anyways,…
4 weeks in the country and teaching
So Thursday made it 4 weeks since I arrived and Friday made it 4 complete weeks of teaching. It’s amazing how quickly these weeks have flown by. There have been a lot of…
What will they think of next?
So today was pretty good despite the fact I’ve been feeling like I can throw up whatever is inside my stomach at any moment. I swear it was that weird gravy sauce thing…
A busy day: Meeting students’ parents and an open class
Yes, 3 posts in one day. Nothing else to do really at the moment. So first, who has crab as lunch in an elementary school? That really surprised me today. Anyways, today parents…
Reading, after school classes, and getting more comfortable
I read The Three Little Pigs in front of the entire school via broadcast. Shockingly I wasn’t that nervous which is funny itself. Did sound effects and all. I even heard the kids…
What a week…warning this is long ^^;
It’s not even Friday yet. Tuesday I received my ARC making me a legal resident in Korea where I can stay longer than 90 days. It took less than 2 weeks to get…