Park Hyoshin’s 15th Anniversary concert was amazing!
Park Hyoshin’ s Happy Together 15th Anniversary Live Tour. What to say…..it was breathtaking. Just absolutely stunning. There were a lot of guys there. I had a ton right in front of me.…
Random, update, cds…
Just a warning, I barely know where this is going to go. Ok, you’ve been warned, enjoy~ Ok first I’m ok…kind of. My knees and well legs have been giving me issues. I…
The brighter side of things~
So to waste time since I finished my classes for today before lunch. Let’s catch up. This morning I felt crappy. Not going to lie, but I did get 6 hours of sleep.…
Where’s home now?
So, I’ve been thinking about how to write this and if I should write it. I’ve decided that I should. To show that well life isn’t all peachy and flawless. There’s no field…
The Hill House in Yangpyeong
At The Hill House here in Yangpyeong. They filmed Kim Tan’s (Lee Minho) house there for the drama Heirs. The musuem they filmed in is next door. All this is like a 10…
Random post
So talked a lot to my co-teacher today. For like an hour. Not gonna lie it felt awesome. *tears up* I talked to my principal yesterday for like 20 minutes. We are starting…
Staff/farewell dinner
So tonight was the night we bid farewell to the vice principal. Tomorrow is her last official day. She was nothing but nice to me since I came here. I’m going to miss…
World DJ Festival…
For those who don’t know. Artists and of course DJs from all over through this huge party (basically) here in Yangpyeong yearly. Seems it’s normally in May. Anyways, it starts tomorrow. Friday (29th)…