• Moving? New job? Goals?

    I am leaving my school and this city. Everyone should have guessed that by now. Right? ? I can’t live here with everything that has happened. To make it better for me, my…

  • A weird day: injured and loud old men

    Injured my wrist yesterday morning on the bus. Had a new bus driver that jerked the bus while switching gears to pull off. I was barely on the bus when he started moving…

  • Oops…update

    Sorry been kind of busy and little under the weather.  The weather here in Korea is insane. Hot one day and freezing 2 hours later. It’s also my fault because well I just…

  • Decisions decisions

    I want to move but we shall see what happens. I am just exhausted. I will edit this later over the weekend hopefully to go in detail a bit more. So until then~…

  • Nothing going on

    Nothing to really talk about. I am just tired. It is getting colder here and there’s less sun which tends to get to me. I leave for work when it’s dark and get…

  • One more thing with Mr. Architect and…

    Mr. Architect has this thing against the Japanese as a whole. The language, movies basically anything besides one actor he said he liked. Which is like dude I get the history and stuff…

  • 1 year later

    Today makes it a year since my first co-teacher…passed away. For those who don’t know, she took her life. Not going to lie today was pretty hard and the rain didn’t help. I…

  • My 4th birthday in Korea

    Last friday (23rd) was my 27th birthday. Celebrated with Keri Saturday. It was pretty good. I’m not into birthdays as much as I used to be. Guess I don’t like the aging process…