• Friday~! What’s going on these days?

    Thank goodness itā€™s Friday. I have less than 4 hours left of work and Iā€™m going straight home. I spent most of today showing movies. The kids earned their free days. Well one…

  • Day 2 of Church Bible study

    So I’m following through with my agreement I did with Mr. Pilot. Even though he is out of town for another training and I’m going with people I met Sunday before last everything…

  • Field Trip to Seoul Land

    Seoul Land- October 23rd  Went with 5th and 6th graders. It was so fun. Like a lot funner than I thought it would be. Walked around and then all the kids decided they…

  • Hello~!

    I know you guys probably have been wondering what I have been up to. Absolutely nothing. I started back to work last Thursday but the principal let me go after I finished all…

  • Iā€™mĀ alive and a year older

    Got out the hospital day before yesterday.  Turned 26 yesterday.  Still have to go to the hospital daily for shots. Iā€™m healing well just have an extra hole in my body right now.…

  • D.I.K

    Long time no see. So, um…this post shall be about. Ā *coughs and makes a grand entrance* Dating in Korea~Ā  I know oh snap. Some of you probably grasped your chests while gasping like…

  • So last Wednesday we had a staff trip to the DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) in Seoul for “cultural training” There are a lot of things to see. Was there for like 5 hours.…