• A slice of Heaven on Earth: Nami Island

    Nami Island (남이섬)~! It was hard to pick just 10 pictures. This place is a little piece of heaven on earth. The vivid autumn colors, the water and the fresh air was absolutely…

  • Training and immigration

    Training, immigration, and other things The past couple of days have been busy. Yesterday, I went to work. That feels weird to say. Anyways, went in for a training session and met some…

  • Quick update: things are looking up

    I am alive. Not doing too badly. I wish this bee would leave me alone. Signed a new contract and have to wait on headquarters to stamp it again. I pray they do…

  • New place, first night…mare?

    So, finished paid the deposit on Monday and booked a truck to move for the next day. Moved into my place Tuesday. Today is only my 3rd day here and 2nd full day.…

  • Finally a place of my own

    Credits to 다방 for the pictures. Except the last one is mine. This is how my place looks 98.9%. My bedding is different and I have some living supplies out (soap, towels, makeup,…

  • I have some good news…

    Good news~! I know finally~ First, I have to take care of a few more things and maybe take some pictures before making a detailed post. Oh or maybe a video? Change it…

  • Broke and finding housing in Gangnam

    It is hard to do when you are super picky but also technically broke. ??? Especially when you are looking for a place around Gangnam. Even more difficult, but hopefully I will find…

  • Just dodged an immigration crisis?

    Went down to the job to talk things out yesterday. Immigration has been weird this year. The company is under a short visa sponsoring ban for something super simple to fix and make…