Life and realizations
Um…I’m going to skip anything about how I really feel with the election that happened Wednesday. I just finally got my appetite back without feeling like it will all come back up. So yeah~ skip skip skip.
Dating is still whatever. No Mr. Architect or Mr. REA. The guy I met…last month(?) keeps trying but I keep pushing him away. Just not feeling it.
One thing I will say about the election is that it made me worry for my family and friends back home as soon as I saw the results change before my eyes. It’s not necessarily who one it’s how the American population acted right after it. And weirdly enough I wanted to hug someone for comfort. That is highly unlike me.
I hug my family, friends and students but those are different hugs. It’s either I am giving them comfort or it’s a “omg it’s been a long time, great to see you” hug.
And who of all people did I want it from? ?
Well you probably all guessed it.
*drum rolls*
The lovely Mr. Ghetto. ?
I know I know…shhhhhh~
Like the world comes crashing apart and he’s the person I seek comfort and protection from it seems. Not that he’s superman or anything. He gets sick and injured too much. ? He’s just someone I have been able to depend and trust fully from the beginning even if I didn’t realize it.
It blows my mind to be honest. Then I realized he is the only person I can hug where it feels as if at that moment all of my problems don’t seem to exist. I can just focus on that moment and melt into the comfort. Which is difficult for me to find and even let down all my barriers to do so.
So, after checking on my family I had to check on him too. My worry monitor was in overdrive. Just told him to be careful and safe. To which he replied he is trying but can’t. It’s hard to do when everyone is going kind of crazy.
I nearly burst into tears in public. Again not like me. I tend to cry alone where no one can see or ever know. Though all of this made me realize who I value in my life and how much they mean to me.
My family always means a ton to me. So do my close friends.
Apparently that man means a lot more to me than I like to and will admit. So, I just want to see him altogether in one piece, alive, probably running late, hopefully not sick/broken up, stressed like always, yet still have his playfulness next month.
Aside from that I injured my knee Wednesday right after work on the bus. I wasn’t paying much attention as it was less than 10 minutes after realizing who was going to win. Didn’t think much about it until I realized pain Thursday and more so yesterday and today. Last night I realized a muscle was pulled or something in my thigh/hip area. Bleh just all injured up. This is what I get for cracking up at homie’s cracked rib. ? I have injured my knees plenty of times. That’s why they literally make cracking sounds as I climb stairs. I’m shocked I have any ligaments or cartilage left. So, it shall be fine just have to take it really easy.
So yeah. Oh wait forgot one more thing. The kids at school will be making mini totoros~! A totoro for you and you and you and you and for everyone~! Total Oprah mode. ?
Now that is all. Can’t believe it’s not 8pm yet. Good grief. Anyways, until next time~