Library Conversation~ from 12.20.13

Ok so last Friday I was hanging out in the library with the awesome librarian and cleaning lady after school waiting on a ride. We talked for a bit. The librarian knows some decent English and would translate things for me and the cleaning lady. Smooth conversation too.

Anyways, was asked what I was going to do over the weekend. Told them that I was going shopping Saturday and a concert Sunday. Whenever co-workers find out I’m going to a concert they tend to say “Really? Oh you are better than me, seeing so many people.” While I’m all O.o….maybe buy a ticket? Though I do tend to run across celebrities randomly too. Hmmm…*shrugs*

Cleaning lady freaked out when I said the concert was Block B and M.I.B. It was cute.

Then, they of course asked who I was going shopping with. It’s like 

me: a friend

them: ooooo boyfriend?

me: no a girl that I met last year here when we went to KU-Korea University (how many times do I have to say this?)

them: KU? *says it in Korean* oooooooooooooo very smart~

me: -.-

them: so no boyfriend yet?

me: uh…no. All my friends here are girls (like does new guy even count as a friend?)

librarian: oh there’s a PE teacher that works at ___Middle School, he’s tall, smart, and blah blah blah

me: ah….*looks suspiciously at them and wonder what’s up with PE teachers*

librarian: *speaks in Korean to cleaning lady*

Cleaning lady: oh!!!! Yes, he very handsome and smart! omo omo good pair~

me: O.o

librarian: do you know him?

me: no…can’t say I do

librarian: *speaks in Korean to cleaning lady and both start looking through their phones and chatting while have suspicious smiles*

me: O.o

Next thing I know someone came and said they were taking me home. Shucks.

Then it hit me later when I was in the car who they were talking about. While I was looking for new guy to add him way back when; I ran across the other guy’s profile. I was like O.o nope not him…but he speaks English and Russian. Oooooo~ why isn’t he at my school?


It made me laugh how far they were going. Though I know the librarian remember things for later. Like she remembers the exact Korean words she taught me over a month ago, let alone a few weeks ago. So who knows what she has planned….if she does. Especially considering the fact that she actually brought up a specific guy instead of going like some co-workers “oh look around here for a good boyfriend”. 

But yeah my weird library conversation from last Friday.

Until next time~

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