Weight Loss

  • Moving? New job? Goals?

    I am leaving my school and this city. Everyone should have guessed that by now. Right? ? I canā€™t live here with everything that has happened. To make it better for me, my…

  • Let’s start jogging one step at a time

    Day 1. Couldnā€™t sleep anyways and in my head was like ā€œdo it already~ You gotta step it up. Itā€™s not raining and less people out.ā€ So, got up and did 30 minutes.…

  • Tuesday~allergies and so many frustrations

    Iā€™m so sleepy and I slept pretty well. Just tired. Allergies got me though. Went to the gym yesterday to burn off some frustrations. Yesterday was just irritating at work. I love my…

  • Getting the hang of it.

    There might be daily updates or every other day. I guess itā€™s my way of keeping myself accountable also of what Iā€™m doing. Went to the gym for an hour after work. Increased…

  • Kept my word and joined a gym!

    Joined a gym. I said I would~ I can go after work since it is on my way home. Did an hour today and killed my legs basically. I signed up for 3…