Mr. Pilot, accident, life changing week. Wait what?
So this week has been really interesting. I’ve been going to church since last Monday all through this weekend and even this week coming and next week is another seminar that I agreed…
Day 2 of Church Bible study
So I’m following through with my agreement I did with Mr. Pilot. Even though he is out of town for another training and I’m going with people I met Sunday before last everything…
A fun interesting night
So yesterday at work was tiring and slightly upsetting. 3-1 I swear some of those boys just want to make life difficult for everyone. After having a pretty rough day and messed up…
Alright, let’s talk
Mr. Pilot and I are just friends. Don’t go thinking we are dating. That’s not the case. It never was the case. We are getting to know each other and help each other…
I went with Mr. Pilot and his church friends to see the musical at his former church. He told me about these extra friends an hour before we were to meet. I knew…
Shocking people
So, shocking everyone today because I am actually wearing color on my lips all day at work. It matches my clothes and nails. Muhahaha~ Shocked so many people today. Which makes it a…
Mr. Pilot is interesting so far
So uh…let’s see how to begin this. In less than 7 days I have seen him 3 times. In multiple locations. This has NEVER happened with any guy since I have been here.…
Open class trip
Went to an open class another foreign teacher was having 40ish minutes away. Haven’t been to one in so long I was like YES! It was nice and the entire road there is…