• Update

    1. My principal is flying to the US right now. I just hope everything goes well and she has a wonderful time. 2. Work has been super busy. Finished a 11 page research…

  • The Hill House in Yangpyeong

    At The Hill House here in Yangpyeong. They filmed Kim Tan’s (Lee Minho) house there for the drama Heirs. The musuem they filmed in is next door. All this is like a 10…

  • Boxes to pack

    Boxes bought~! Will start packing up my stuff hopefully this week or next week to send home. I have way too much stuff that would not make it on the plane without costing…

  • My heartttuuu

    I know another post. There’s nothing else to do. Anyways….The closer it gets to start time for Taeyang’s concert the more my heart feels weird. I’ve been waiting a long time to see…

  • Went back through the line. There was no line. Just walk straight through. The scarf was sold out~! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My feels…my hearttttuuuuu is broken. I really wanted it. Like so bad. First they…

  • Posted this on the kwonderland…wrong blog -.- but here it is again~ Waiting in merch line. Opens in a little over an hour. There’s barely anyone here yet. Like seriously there are 12…

  • Update

    I know I know…I thought I would update over the weekend. Well besides the concert. I was tired and my thighs were killing me for no reason. -.- Now…what have I been up…

  • 2PM World Tour Go Crazy in Seoul 10.3.2014 It was crazy~! In the best way possible. Ended a little before 9 too. Sung all the great songs. A.D.T.O.Y, Go Crazy, I’ll be back,…

  • Random post

    So talked a lot to my co-teacher today. For like an hour. Not gonna lie it felt awesome. *tears up* I talked to my principal yesterday for like 20 minutes. We are starting…