A truly selfless man…

A selfless man

After work I was able to spend some time with Mr. Gucci randomly. He is barely sleeping as he prepares for a huge presentation this week. This presentation can get him a promotion. So I’m praying that it all goes well. I really hope he gets it. I could feel how serious he was about it as he told me.

He is also a person that tends to think about everyone else before himself. Hence the title. If someone wants to eat something, he will even if he doesn’t care for it. He works overtime because he rather do it instead of other coworkers staying late. The man puts himself last all the time.

However, I am glad he is opening up a bit more. It’s nice to just sit and listen to him talk since he rarely does it. He is letting me know what he likes and doesn’t like.

We learned about the history of hotdogs. He asked why they were called that and we went down the dark road through Google. We were both all ?

Also, whatever his cologne is. Save me. Just pure ?? Smells so good.

He finally got more than 2 hours of sleep and I finally slept peacefully until our alarms went off. Almost slept through those. ?

But yeah~ now back to YouTube before I fall asleep.

Until next time~안녕~잘자요

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