What is he talking about?

Mr. Gucci.

Yes, he is still around. Tuesday…Monday night? Whatever in the wee hours of the morning he came over and fell asleep. I realized it’s been over a month since we saw each other. I have been super busy and so has he. However I was so frustrated with him reading messages and not replying. He knows better. I almost told him off the same night he called. He literally called like 10 minutes after I was thinking about fussing him out and how to do it. 

He felt it. haha

He apologized without, me even saying anything. Then he told me he was promoted~! 

This is what he was working on, especially with that presentation he had some months ago. So, I’m nothing but happy for him. However, that means he has even less free time than before. As if he had any in the first place. 


He keeps bringing up marriage and asking if I want to get married. This has to be like the 5th time at least that he has brought it up. He even went as far as talking about kids and if he would transfer his job. I was a bit shock. Still am. It just seems like something he has been thinking about a lot.

Anywho, I was busy Tuesday even though it was my first official day off. I had to go to the airport to pick up my good, awesome friend Abena from university days. We haven’t seen each other in over 5 years. I had to see her while she had a layover.

That’s for another post though.

Mr. Gucci actually had the day off. I know shocking, but I needed to do things. So, we went out for lunch as you can see in the above pictures. He made sure that I ate before going to the airport. ‘

The food was absolutely delicious and no one was in there at the moment. Totally perfect.  But yeah, that man is around. I have to do another update about him later. 

Next shall be about my best friend~

Until next time~안녕~

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